“Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.”
Romans 12:12 MSG
We are to live in hope, cheerfully expectant and full of faith. So, when Satan comes to steal your victory and tells you that God is not going to help you this time, just think on the Word of God and start rejoicing.
Rejoice that you are in Him. Rejoice that heaven is your home, that greater is He that in you than he that is in the world. Rejoice, brag on God, the devil can’t stand it.
Don’t quit in hard times or when under pressure. Don’t give up. Don’t faint. Instead, go to the throne of grace. Go boldly in the name of Jesus and get the help you need.
Remember, when things get hard isn’t when you let go. That is when you need to be constant in prayer and in the Word, so that you are immovable.
Don’t quit in hard times!