When you are spiritually minded, you become free from carnal mindedness. Rom.8:5-9.
When you walk with God, you walk away from sin. Gen.7:1.
When you follow after righteousness, you will not struggle to flee from sin. 1 Tim. 6:11-12; 2 Tim. 2:22.
When you submit to God, it will become very cheap for you to resist the devil. James 4:7.
When you put on Christ, you will have no provision for the flesh. Rom. 13:14.
When you give all to God, you will have no place left to give to the devil. Eph. 4:27.
When you give all your time to God, you will have no time for sin. 2 Sam.11:1-3.
When you live in love, you will not struggle to keep His Law. Romans 13:8,10. Love puts you ahead of the law. Romans 13:8-10.
The law can never catch up with those who dwell in love.
When you yield unto God, you will have nothing to yield unto the flesh for lust. Rom. 6:13.