“I wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for he has promised.” Psalm 130:5 (TLB)
Beloved, remember that God wants you not only to wait patiently but also to wait expectantly for Him to answer your prayers. Have faith. Trust God to hear and to answer.
When you wait expectantly, you show God that you believe His promises, that you believe He’s going to keep His word.
Perhaps, you’re confused about your next steps in life: “I’m praying for fruitfulness, but I’m not seeing it.” You’re confused about your family: “How can I serve them faithfully?”
You may feel powerless and hopeless, like you can’t do anything to change your situation on your own. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up. Instead, look up! Turn to prayer and then trust God’s response.
Many of us can point to prayer requests we’ve made for decades without an answer. We don’t know why God hasn’t chosen to answer them, and we don’t understand the silence.
But whether or not God ever answers those prayers, we need to believe his promises. God is good, and He knows what’s best, even when we don’t understand what He’s doing.
When God doesn’t answer your prayers, you need to remember a couple of very important truths: God is in control and you’re not. He knows your needs even better than you do. There is no mountain so tall that He can’t move. There is no problem so big that He can’t solve. There is no sorrow so deep He cannot soothe. God is in control, and He has a plan.
Father, help me to wait patiently and expectantly, trusting you to help, as promised IJN