“I will have mercy on you through my grace” (TLB). Isaiah 60:10b
Grace is when God gives you what you don’t deserve. Mercy is when God doesn’t give you what you do deserve. For all the ways you’ve sinned, failed, and made mistakes, you deserve punishment. Yet God pardons you and forgives you through Christ—that’s mercy.
It is God’s nature to be merciful. He loves to show his mercy. He doesn’t get bored with it. He doesn’t get tired of it. He doesn’t get frustrated that you keep coming back for more. God doesn’t say, “Okay, on Sunday, we’ll give mercy and goodness, on Monday through Saturday, you’re on your own.” He’s with you every moment of every day.
But when you face the future, you can know this: God will fill your life to overflowing and his goodness and mercy will be with you. There is no need to fear.
Father, thank you for your mercies that are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.