“Let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NLT)
Sometimes life can seem a lot like a waiting room. You can trust God or you can panic. But you need to remember two things: One, God is never in a hurry. And two, God is never late. God’s timing is always perfect.
What happens in those times when it appears that God is late?
God is getting you ready for a miracle!
There are so many examples of this in Scripture, including the story of Lazarus (John 11). Jesus could have easily been in Bethany in an hour or two. But it took him three days to go about five miles. When he got there, Mary and Martha told him, “You’re too late! We’ve already buried Lazarus.”
But Jesus wasn’t late. He already knew what he was going to do. His goal was not to heal Lazarus. His goal was to raise him from the dead.
Sometimes God lets a situation get so bad that only a miracle will do. Don’t give up your faith. Hold on. Keep praying and serving. Keep sowing. Keep believing. Because you’re getting ready for a miracle.
God already knows what he’s going to do in your life next month, next year, and in the next decade, and his plan for you is good. Never lose hope! Never give up!
Father, I thank you for setting me up for a miracle INJ.