“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
Another major sign of backsliding is when one discovers that one’s mind is constantly filled with immoral thoughts.
A backsliding believer would have all manner of sinful thoughts flow through his or her mind. When David backslide, he cried to God for restoration in Psalm 51:10
When a person backslides, all of a sudden, God seems to be very far from the fellow, you are no longer intimate with God. God moved away because He cannot behold sin Habakkuk 1:13.
When you stop reading your Bible daily, you stop praying, you stop witnessing, you reduce your attendance of fellowships, this is the beginning of backsliding and it won’t be long before sin creeps in.
Are any of these signs of backsliding evident in your life? Address them today.
Father, whatever is drawing me far from You, please remove it from my life today IJN.