"Encourage each other every day while it is ‘today.’” Hebrews 3:13 (NCV)
If you’re married, God has given you an important assignment to be your spouse’s biggest fan.
It’s a job only you can do in the way God desires and your spouse desperately needs you to do it.
We live in a world full of critics. You don’t have to look far to find someone who will put you down.
That’s why every person on the planet desperately needs to be affirmed by someone on a regular basis. It’s how God wired us. If you’re married, one such person should be your spouse.
To have a growing marriage, it’s essential for you and your spouse to continually affirm each other.
What should you affirm in your spouse? These are great tips for marriage and for any close relationship.
Affirm their value. You raise the value of other people when you appreciate them.
Affirm their strengths. You will bring out the best in your spouse when you point out their best, not by pointing out their worst.
Affirm their gifts/talents. Let your spouse know how much you appreciate the grace of God in their life.
You have incredible power over your spouse’s self-understanding. You can use that power to build them up or tear them down. It’s your choice.
And it’s one of the most important choices you’ll make for the health of your marriage. Choose to intentionally build up your spouse today.